This is the GTB approach to ensuring a COVID-19 safe environment at our events and in our spaces. As restrictions change we will update this page.
24 live stage events and 80 hours of online live streamed events were produced in 2020.
28 live stage events and 205 hours of online live streamed events have been produced in 2021 so far.
SUPREME PERTH - Postponed to OCT 29/30
The Main GTB Covid-19 Plan will be updated for each event depending on the restrictions in each State at the time. Staff at events may override any written document if it is in the interest of safety and current conditions. Change room situations may be different than what is written depending on size and number occupancy.
Some venues may put in un-announced and more strict conditions than State Health directions and we are at the mercy of these, please understand this may affect you in some way and we are just doing the best we can to ensure your dancer gets on stage!
Dear GTB Patrons.
During the COVID-19 pandemic we are taking additional steps to make sure everyone can stay healthy and safe when we host an event or you share our space.
It is very important that you inform us in advance if anyone in your household is unwell, or self-isolating because they are at risk of becoming unwell, with COVID-19.
Unfortunately, due to strict public health requirements you will be unable to attend if anyone in your household is unwell or in self-isolation. We will of course treat this information in strict confidence and will be happy to reschedule you for another event if possible.
What GTB is doing
You might also like to know about the measures GTB has taken to manage the risks of exposure to COVID-19 when we host events.
Our plan is above and there may be additional venue specific requirements needed at certain venues. We will of course advise you of this in due time. Restrictions may be relaxed more in the coming weeks and GTB will respond.
What you can do
It is important to us to be able to continue to provide our regular service to you and your family at this time. 
Please help us to manage the risks to the health and safety of our staff by cooperating with the measures we have outlined above. Do the same things for us that you are doing to keep your own family and friends healthy and well.
This includes frequent handwashing, covering your nose and mouth when you need to cough or sneeze with the crook of your arm or clean tissue and observing rules for physical distancing. More information can be found on the Department of Health website: