Time & Location
22 Apr 2023, 8:30 am AWST – 23 Apr 2023, 9:30 pm AWST
Newman College, 216 Empire Ave, Churchlands WA 6018, Australia
New to Solos (within 9 months) Any Style performed - can only enter one solo in this section
A$45.00+A$1.13 service feeSale endedNOVICE SOLO
Select more by clicking + button For dancers that have never placed at any competition (in a section of more than 5 dancers) with this style in 2022 or 2023.
A$45.00+A$1.13 service feeSale endedPRE-OPEN SOLO
Select more by clicking + button For dancers that have never come FIRST in a section of more than 3 dancers during 2022 and 2023 at any competition.
A$45.00+A$1.13 service feeSale endedBELIEVE BATTLE SOLO
Open to both Novice and Pre-Open dancers. Enter your favourite dance to this section which will be run at the end of the age group. This solo MUST be a repeat of a dance already performed.
A$50.00+A$1.25 service feeSale endedDUO/TRIO
Same rules apply as per solos. NOVICE - Never placed in a section of 5 or more duo/trios can enter PRE-OPEN - Never won a section of more than 3 duo/trios can enter You can enter multiple duo/trios
A$60.00+A$1.50 service feeSale endedREGO FEE
Non-refundable, covers insurance, venue hire, etc
A$25.00+A$0.63 service feeSale ended